Leadership Conference Malawi

Strategic servants in God’s Kingdom from different regions in Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania attended the training conference. 60 Leaders attended this first training conference in the newly built conference hall at Gateway Campus. Our divine call is to obey the final command of our Lord Jesus Christ, making disciples of the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to faithfully follow all that He have commanded us.
It was a great opportunity to strengthen relationships in the corporate body of Christ. It was a powerful time of impartation of the Word and Spirit to empower us to take up our responsibility to build the church of Jesus Christ on accurate patterns to impact our communities and nations. Thank you for your partnership to see the purposes of God fulfill in Africa. Be assure that through the resources you invested into Kingdom work is bringing forth a hundred fold harvest not only in the now generation but also in generations to come.

Co-labor with us in the next pastor’s training conference that will be in October 2022. The cost to host the entire conference for 5 days, will be R28,000 (US$2,000) to cover part of transport and food. Most of these pastors and leaders are from extremely poor rural communities, and some will travel two to three days with a bicycle or public transport from far. We value your prayer and financial support and to equip believers in Kingdom principles.

Financial gifts towards the ministry will be so much appreciated.


Gifts may be sent via Global Ministries Foundation (P.O. BOX 1150 Cordova, TN 38088-1150) with a note on the memo line of the cheque for “Venter Hennie” or you can use the following link to give online:    www.gmfonline.org

Follow the donate option and choose Venter Hennie at the bottom of the list –



God bless you for your partnership!

Co-workers in Christ

Hennie & Rina Venter

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